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Difference Between Low-Code and No-Code Platform

Team Kissflow

Updated on 23 Apr 2024 7 min read

Low-code and no-code platforms are key tools in modern application development. No-code and low-code platforms help reduce app development time by 90 percent

These platforms offer efficiency and flexibility but in different ways. CIOs and BTPs must grasp these differences to align IT strategies with business goals and drive IT transformations.

This guide highlights the differences between low-code and no-code platforms. It breaks down these platforms' main features, pros, and cons. This knowledge will help tech leaders make well-informed decisions, allowing their organizations to fully utilize these solutions to fuel innovation and meet strategic objectives in the digital age.

What is Low-Code?

Low-code is a software development approach that requires little to no coding to build applications and processes. Instead of using complex programming languages, you can employ visual interfaces with basic logic and drag-and-drop capabilities in a low-code development platform. Users with no advanced knowledge of coding or software creation may use these intuitive techniques to build software for several purposes, such as creating mobile and business applications.

What is No-Code?

No-code is a programming platform that uses a visual development interface to enable non-technical users to build applications by dragging and dropping software components to create a full app. Users don’t need any previous coding experience to build applications using no-code.

What are Low-Code and No-Code Platforms?

Low-code and no-code are powerful application development approaches that enable people with no coding or little coding knowledge to build and deploy apps faster. Both low-code and no-code goals are to empower non-technical users to create custom solutions, freeing up technical resources for more complex projects.

No-code platforms are the most straightforward of the two. You may develop basic yet functioning apps using a visual-based, drag-and-drop no-code architecture. You probably won’t be able to rework legacy systems here, nor will you be able to accelerate it very effectively, and integration capabilities are limited. Rather, this style of development is best suited to assisting teams with specialized demands that are circumscribed in scope.

Don’t know how to code? You can still build apps without depending on IT.


No-code platforms benefits of convenience and ease are also their drawbacks. The capacity to alter it is restricted to non-existent because so much of its architecture is established by those who created it.

Why have no-code systems been able to survive for as far as they have if their features are sparse? The reason is that they’re simple to use even if you don’t have any coding experience and skill, especially if you do not want (or simply cannot) wait for your internal IT staff to build anything for you.

Low-Code solutions, on the other hand, are more adaptable — a kind of halfway place between no-code and complete human coding. Low-Code systems, like their no-code counterparts, can be graphical, with drag-and-drop features. They’re also open, expandable, and enable for coding or programming, providing designers the best of both worlds situation in which development pace may be enhanced without having to duplicate fundamental code over and over. Low-code platforms also provide scalable designs, open APIs for renewability, and implementation flexibility in the cloud or on-premises.

Low-Code vs High-Code: Choose The Best For Your Business App Development

Basic feature differences between Low-Code and No-Codebasic_feature_differences_between_low_code_and_no_code

A low-code platform is mostly leveraged by IT professionals with coding knowledge to create complex custom applications, while no-code platforms enable business users to create apps without any coding to address their business needs.

The following are some features that can help you understand the distinctions between low-code and no-code development platforms:

1. Integration of applications

Depending on the sort of app, you might have to integrate data from many platforms. While low-code development platforms often provide excellent system integration adaptability, no-code platforms frequently fall short. Because no-code might lead to shadow IT, when people create programs without adequate oversight or scrutiny. Security concerns, regulatory challenges, integration issues, applications that utilize more resources than necessary, and increasing technological debt are all possible outcomes.

2. Requirement of training

Anyone may utilize no-code development platforms; no technical experience is required. However, because low-code platforms contain more complex tools and provide customization, they are only appropriate for individuals with programming knowledge. Hence, there’s room for training employees when it comes to low-code.

3. Resultant apps

Low-code and no-code development platforms may both be utilized to create business apps for internal usage. Low-code platforms, on the other hand, make it feasible to create high-demand apps that help important business operations. No-code platforms are ideal for developing applications that address minor business problems on their own.

4. Target audience

As the preceding discussion has demonstrated, no-code platforms are ideal for any employee with a desire to innovate and improve procedures. Low-code platforms are designed for developing enterprise-grade applications. Such as when Covid-19 hit, low-code platforms were used to design Covid-19 testing site, pharmacy finder application, etc. As a result, it’s an excellent tool for software developers and DevOps teams looking to cut development expenses and time.


Experience the power of low-code with the simplicity of no-code.

Difference between Low-Code and No-Code




Primarily Serves Developers Business Users
Primarily Objective Speed of Development Ease of Use
Coding Need Low, but present No Coding Required
Customization Total customization available Pre-built templates can be customised
Platform Lock-in Free to move between platforms Sometimes locked into the same platform
End-to-end Development All platforms provide end-to-end development Some platforms provide only limited capabilities
Purpose Next-gen Rapid Application Development tool for professional developers Self-service application for business users
App Complexity Can create complex apps Can create simple apps
Cost Effectiveness Cost-effective for companies with an existing team of developers Cost-effective for companies with a backlogged IT team and high requirements

How enterprise businesses can use low-code and no-code platforms


Low-code and no-code platforms have become popular among enterprises for accelerating software development while reducing costs. Here are some ways enterprise businesses can use low-code and no-code platforms:

1. Rapid Application Development:

With low-code and no-code platforms, businesses can develop applications quickly without requiring extensive coding knowledge. This speeds up the application development process.

2. Increased Collaboration:

Low-Code development platforms offer visual development tools and other features that allow non-technical team members to participate in the development process, increasing collaboration within the team.

3. Reduced Costs: 

Low-Code and no-code platforms can reduce development costs by reducing the number of developers required and their time on coding.

4. Customization: 

No-code platforms can be customized to meet specific enterprise requirements without requiring extensive coding experience.

5. Agile Business Process: 

These platforms can allow enterprises to maintain an agile development process while keeping costs low.

By leveraging low-code and no-code platforms, enterprises can accelerate software development, reduce costs, and increase collaboration while maintaining an agile development process.

Low-Code and No-Code solutions for different use cases

No-Code may assist an organization’s operations and return-on-investment in a variety of ways. However, you may be asking how no-code solutions may be customized to benefit *your* organization specifically. The following are some of the use cases that no-code has to offer, regardless of size or industry:

BI Reporting and Dashboards: 

If you are a business intelligence analyst or programmer, you’ll need the best reporting tools to transform raw data into meaningful insights. You’ll find that no-code solutions are just what you’re looking for. You can get real-time access to your company data and transform it into useful data grids, visualizations, and critical statistics with no-code.

Applications for Data Management: 

You may link your sources of data with a no-code platform to any database, such as MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and others, and modify, add, remove, and update information. Corporate customers may create their database apps fast and easily. Collection of information, storage, sharing, and collaboration has become increasingly easier. A modular expandable structure, configurable interface, data export/import capability, and ready-to-use templates are all included in your code-free bespoke database. Because of their general-purpose nature, low-code platforms enable the construction of more sophisticated programs and can handle a wider range of use cases, such as:

Use cases employing innovative next-generation technology. 

Many low-code solutions have a large part collection created by industry leaders, and also the ability to use third-party cloud digital solutions such as AI, machine learning, cryptocurrency, and facial and voice identification services, and also accessible tools.

Pre-built user interface designs

Pre-built user interface designs for customer experience applications for mobile are meant to assist you to improve user-friendliness and adoption even while ensuring brand marketing integrity.

Apps that transcend departments and domains 

Apps that transcend departments and domains to improve productivity and operational performance.

Don’t know how to code? You can still build apps without depending on IT.


The need for Low-Code and No-Code

The need for the latest software has skyrocketed. As per International Data Corporation (IDC), approximately 500 million digital services and applications will be produced and implemented by 2023, which is the same amount of apps generated in the previous 40 years. Sadly, the number of fresh programmers who can assist in the development of those apps has not increased.

For example, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicted that 1.4 million computer programming jobs would become accessible in 2020, but only 400,000 computer programming grads would be available to fill those positions. Because enterprises cannot hire their way out of this challenge, IT teams want a more efficient method of rapidly developing strong apps. Low-code and no-code development platforms can help find a way out. Low-code and no-code features enable software developers to create apps quickly by utilising visual design tools and a drag-and-drop UI. With these features, instead of writing lines of code to create internal apps, you may create software by simply sketching a flowchart.

Which one should you pick: Low-Code or no-Code?

Although the terms “low-code” and “no-code” are sometimes used interchangeably, there is a distinction between the two. Low-code solutions leverage visual development environments and automated connections to back-end systems, databases, web services, or APIs to target consumers with some coding expertise or developers who need to quickly construct programmes. No-code solutions go even farther, offering visual drag-and-drop interfaces that don’t require any coding at all.

Develop an application using a no-code platform, and it will cover simple activities and procedures while serving just front-end business scenarios. Low-code applications might be more sophisticated, but they do need a higher level of technical understanding.

Low-code is an excellent solution for businesses embarking on digital transformation in terms of creating business and consumer-grade apps. No-code platforms, on the other hand, may be a fantastic way to drive organizational innovation by providing every enterprise with a platform to put new and creative ideas into action. Nevertheless, the boundary between Low-code and no-code platforms is beginning to blur, so it is not always this monochromatic.

Why use Kissflow for Low-Code / no-Code development?

Low-code and no-code platforms have a clear place in the development industry. According to Gartner, they will begin to dominate the industry within a few years, thus neglecting the advantages that these techniques provide might result in missed chances for an organisation.

When looking for a Low-code development platform, look for one that has purpose-built tools, integrated collaboration, and a cloud-native architecture to accommodate a wide range of developers inside an organization.

Low-code platforms, which use a visual, model-driven approach, reduce need for coding skills and alter how lines of business work with IT development teams to build applications.

Kissflow is a low-code/ no-code development platform that helps make it easier for business users to build software solutions. Teams can build custom applications with many automated workflows and optimize processes to boost business productivity and efficiency. It allows business users to create their apps without relying on IT or consultants. It comes with a WYSIWYG editor, a form builder, a third-party interface for your favorite tools, and comprehensive training resources to start you readily.


Kissflow Low-Code Development Platform
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